We will be kicking off our WUCC adventure with the showcase game! The link here: https://ultiworld.com/2018/06/07/wucc-2018-feature-wild-card-v-grut-opening-showcase/ We are very excited for this opportunity and I’m already counting down!
85 days until WUCC!
85 days left to the start of the World Ultimate Club Championships 2018! To get some GRUT hype going let’s enjoy our highlight reel a couple more times (probably like 1387 times) EventContinue reading
Get your Detroit Mechanix apparel now!
If you want some DMX apparel get it now at the pro shop! http://shop.detmechanix.com/ Get everything from Replica jerseys to hats, socks, tees, discs, cleat bags and much more! When ordering a custom jersey, don’tContinue reading
in the AUDL top 10 plays! (#4)
Twitter post about the same play: The Flying Dutchman is at it again pic.twitter.com/bWGKjHwYOJ — AUDL (@theAUDL) April 10, 2018
22 Basten de Jongh Detroit Mechanix
Basten de Jongh The Flying Dutchman Game Highlights: Indianapolis AlleyCats at Detroit Mechanix
On AUDL Instagram and website
two appearances after the first game. didn’t quite get them this time but I’ll be back for more! https://theaudl.com/league/tuesday-toss/2018-first-impressions Inches? This is a game of millimeters. #AUDL #ultimatefrisbee A post shared byContinue reading
Grut Outdoor season recap
Outdoor season recap: 57 games, 53 wins, 4 losses. -Bronze medal @TomsTourney (ladies) -Gold medal @Windmill -Gold medal @Dutch Open Beach Championship (men’s) -2nd place @EUCR-C -Gold medal @Dutch Mixed Beach Championship -Gold medal @EUCFContinue reading
GRUT Gold medal @EUCF European Ultimate Championship Finals 2017
Gold medal @EUCF 2017 Caorle-Venice (Italy) GRUT – Colorado 15-12 GRUT – Hässliche Erdferkel 15-14 GRUT – VIF Ultimate 10-15 GRUT – Black Eagles 15-11 GRUT – ReadingX 15-8 GRUT – Left Overs 15-1 GRUT – OsContinue reading
Time Difference Detroit – Amsterdam
Current local time in Detroit, United States Current local time in Amsterdam, Netherlands